Catre Tur Virtual

Unul dintre cei mai mari pictori români contemporani, ale cărui expoziţii în ţară şi în străinătate au rămas ca repere permanent actuale în domeniu. Din 1990 până la moartea sa în 2000 a fost director al Muzeului Ţăranului Român. A fondat un stil aparte în etnomuzeografia europeană, pe care îi plăcea să îl numească muzeologie născândă, pâlpâitoare.

De la el am învăţat că nu trebuie să te grăbeşti sau să te încăpăţânezi atunci când vrei să pui în operă un proiect. Mai întâi te gândeşti bine, să vezi dacă ideea iniţială e corectă. Nimeni nu ştia mai bine ca el să vadă. Apoi te sfătuieşti cu alţii, de preferinţă cu cei despre care ştii că au păreri diferite de ale tale. Apoi încerci să ţii cont de toate remarcile, argumentând dacă le respingi, sau înglobându-le în proiect, dacă crezi că îl pot îmbogăţi. Apoi aştepţi, adică gestezi, pregătind iluminarea. Pentru Horia Bernea, iluminarea însemna convingerea că ideea era convergentă cu credinţa - asumat şi liber creştină. Abia atunci, proiectul putea începe aventura punerii în operă. Şi abia atunci se petrecea minunea coagulării echipei. Încă nu am cunoscut pe altcineva atât de capabil să construiască mici familii punctuale cu oameni care nu sunt decât oameni, şi să le transforme slăbiciunile în creativitate, complexele - în stil personal, frustrările - într-un nou entuziasm şi veleităţile - în dorinţă de afirmare colectivă.

Nu se temea să şocheze, să irite, să incite. Ne-a contaminat de îndrăzneală, adresându-ne întrebări dificile - ce vezi aici? ce crezi despre asta? ce înţelegi? de ce nu-ţi place? – sau invitându-ne să-l contrazicem. Nu a fost şi nu e uşor. Dar nimic din ce facem la muzeu sub aripa lui nu e uşor.

Ioana Popescu

Call for Theme Proposals for MARTOR Issue Numbers 27/2022 and 28/2023

Deadline for receiving proposals: 30th of September 2020
The proposals are to be sent at:

The annual MARTOR. The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review, established in 1996, and thus entering its twenty-fourth year of uninterrupted publication, is a thematic interdisciplinary international journal that publishes academic articles from the fields of anthropology, ethnology, visual anthropology, museum studies, history, ethnomusicology, and art history. Although intended mainly for an academic audience, the Review is designed to be accessible to a wider audience too. The articles are published in either English or French in accordance with the journal’s submission guidelines to be consulted at The journal accepts articles for publication based on a double-blind peer review process.

In addition to the print edition (300 to 800 copies/issue number) and publication on the dedicated website, MARTOR Review is listed and indexed in international databases: EBSCO, CEEOL, Index Copernicus, and Anthropological Index Online (AIO), and as of April 2018 it was also included in the MLA – Modern Language Association, Directory of Periodicals. Its featuring in international databases provides the museum with exponentially larger visibility within academic and professional environments, making the inclusion of the journal in more databases a priority.

In addition to the academic articles addressing the annual theme, the Review includes a Museum Studies section, showcasing the latest projects of the Museum of the Romanian Peasant, as well as other museums, and two more sections, Field Notes and Book Reviews. All the published texts are relevant for the established annual theme. Not least, the Review benefits from excellent graphic conditions in the form of highly expressive photographs, bridging art and ethnography and enhancing the sections of the journal. Further, the focus on visual anthropology is one of the Review’s distinguishing features.

We invite theme proposals for the MARTOR Review issues to be published in 2022 and 2023.

Given the interdisciplinary and editorial strategy adopted by MARTOR Review to pursue indexing in a large number of databases, the proposed theme must be theoretically significant for the field and international in its scope.

Please use the following format for your submissions:

• Title of the proposed theme;
• Editors (along with institutional affiliation);
• Importance of proposed theme (at least two arguments in support of the proposal);
• The (working) contributions that the editors feel they can count on, along with the names of the authors and the (working) titles of the articles.

Please note that the proposals will be first printed and submitted to the Museum’s Secretariat and then presented to the Scientific Committee in October 2020 for review and acceptance.

The call for theme proposals will also be published on the Review’s website thus enabling academics not affiliated with the Museum of the Romanian Peasant to submit proposals.

Please find below important information on the responsibilities of the editors of the thematic issues.

To ensure that the journal is published on time, the following editorial timetable must be observed:

- 15th of January 2021/2022: the 27th or 28th theme is announced; it is posted online and on various groups of specialized academics from the Museum’s database;
- 1st of May 2021/2022: deadline for receiving proposal abstracts; selection by the editors of the issue;
- 30th of November 2021/2022: deadline for receiving final papers; launch of the evaluation process;
- 1st of February – 30th of April 2022/2023: peer review;
- May-June 2022/2023: authors edit their papers and submit the final versions;
- July – 15 September 2022/2023: proofreading;
- 15 September – 15 October 2022/2023: the issue is prepared for printing.

Responsibilities of the editors of the thematic issue:

1) To make sure that the theme proposals are submitted in English or French.

2) To supervise the academic review-editing process:

a. To select the proposals after studying the abstracts submitted by the authors;
b. To provide a list of researchers in the field (minimum 20 persons) who could ensure the peer review process;
c. To make sure that each article is evaluated under double-blind peer review, to submit the article to the two reviewers (researchers in the field) and to maintain communications with them;
d. To write the Introduction to the thematic issue (providing theoretical support for the proposed theme and introducing the issue);
e. To provide an overall graphic design of the issue, apart from the illustrations included in the volume (interstitial images, cover photo, etc.).

3) To assist with editing by supervising the page layout process.

4) To organize and host the launch event after the publication of the thematic issue.

Past themes of the MARTOR Review have included:

Issue no. 16/2011 – Towards an Anthropology of Success;
17/2012 – Everyday Life during Communism. History, Memory, Oblivion;
18/2013 – Remembering Childhood;
19/2014 – The Agrarian Question – a Historical and Political Economy Outlook;
20/2015 – Bodies – Matter – Narratives of Corporeality;
21/2016 – A Place for Hay. Flexibility and Continuity in Hay Meadow Management;
22/2017 – Back to the Future. Creative Traditions in the 21st Century;
23/2018 – Curating Change in the Museum;
24/2019 – Politics of Memory: the Collecting, Storage, Ownership and Selective Disclosure of Archival Material;
25/2020 – forthcoming: Marriagemaking among Roma in Central and Eastern Europe.


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